Tesla Model Y Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model Y: Rear Facing Camera(s)


 Camera Location

Model Y is equipped with a rear view camera located above the rear license plate. Whenever you shift into Reverse, the touchscreen displays the view from the camera. Lines show your driving path

 Cleaning a Camera

To ensure a clear picture, the camera lens must be clean and free of obstructions. Remove any build-up of dirt or debris by spraying water onto the camera lens with a spray bottle or pressure washe

 Towing and Accessories


 While Driving

Cold weather can increase energy consumption because more power is required for driving, cabin and Battery heating. Follow these suggestions to reduce energy consumption: Use seat heaters to keep warm. Seat heaters use less energy than the cabin heater. Lowering the cabin temperature and us

 Examples of Correct and Incorrect Seating Positions

Correct seating position: Incorrect seating position - the passenger's feet must be on the floor: Incorrect seating position - the passenger must not slide forward on the seat cushion: Incorrect seating position - the passenger must not recline the backrest to a laying down position when th

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